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Thriving or just surviving?

execution team = mike Mar 18, 2024

Jesus had something more in mind— when He mentioned coming so that we might have an “abundant life” (see John 10:10) than us simply getting by.

Too often, we punt the promises of God to the future, into Heaven, to a distant time and place where we can absolve ourselves of the responsibility to content for them.

Jesus didn’t teach us to pray “God’s will be done in Heaven.”

Rather, He encouraged us to pray— and to pursue— “God’s will be done on earth AS IT IS in Heaven” (Matthew 6:10).


Think about it…

… in the same way Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8)…

… in the same way Jesus came to show others what the Father is like (John 14:9)…

… in the same way Jesus came to bring freedom to people in bondage (Luke 4:18)…

We don’t make a difference on earth by stepping aside and waiting for the future to arrive. Rather, we make a difference by living the presence of the future now.


Or, to say it another way…

The message of Jesus isn’t just about getting from earth to Heaven, it’s also about getting Heaven to earth.